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Guideline SARS-CoV-2 Source:GDA

Guidelines on Consultation and Supervision During the SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic

To ensure a coordinated and consistent approach to countering the Corona epidemic in the working world, the National Occupational Safety and Health Conference approved the SARS-CoV-2 guidelines for occupational health and safety developed by the GDA.

In the course of this, the Federal States (Länder), accident insurance institutions and Federal Government agreed to focus explicitly on implementing the specific regulations on infection protection in the workplace in their advisory and supervisory activities. In detail, this means distancing regulations, regulations for ventilation systems and general hygiene provisions, with the aim of consequently rectifying shortcomings and even sanctioning legal violations, if necessary.

Effective immediately, the new guidelines are to be used when consulting and supervising companies. The guidelines offer supervisory agencies and prevention services a secure foundation for their administrative practice and at the same time ensure that employers know what they can and must expect.