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Guideline construction projects Source:GDA

Guidelines on Planning and Executing Construction Projects

In its Guidelines on Planning and Executing Construction Projects, the GDA focuses on the field of construction, one that is particularly prone to accidents. As the Construction and Assembly Work programme developed by the GDA has shown, exchanging information and ensuring inspectors pursue a coordinated approach are key elements of accident prevention at construction sites; these tried-and-tested practices have therefore been incorporated in these guidelines.

The guidelines specify the agreed principles of mutual information, of consultation and supervision as well as of the exchange of experiences:

  • Authorities and accident insurance institutions (AII) are to update each other when they become aware of construction projects. Joint task forces will be assembled to accompany more complex construction projects, if necessary.
  • The guidelines include a leaflet for owners that provides information on owner obligations in accordance with the Construction Site Ordinance; authorities and AII will ensure that this information reaches owners.
  • The guidelines also offer a collection of tools that provide guidance on occupational health and safety matters at construction sites. Supervisory agencies can provide owners (as well as contracted third parties and coordinators) with targeted consultations.
  • Shortcomings in occupational health and safety and violations of accident prevention regulations are to be remedied promptly. To assist in this, a standardised format supports the exchange of information between AII and authorities on identified shortcomings.
  • AII and authorities promote the regular, mutual exchange of information among their inspectors.

The number of accidents and downtime at construction sites can be reduced if owners, employers, employees, accident insurance institutions and the authorities responsible for occupational health and safety work together in a constructive manner. These guidelines play a key role in strengthening this cooperation.