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NOSHC office

In order to perform its tasks, the National Occupational Safety and Health Conference (NOSHC) is supported by the office of the NOSHC as regards organisation and expertise. It is located at the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) in Berlin.

At present, six people are employed in the office. In addition to permanent staff of the BAuA, experts delegated by the Joint German OSH Strategy bodies also work there.

 The day-to-day business of the office includes 

  • co-ordinating the co-operation between the NOSHC and the bodies and people participating in the implementation of the Joint German OSH Strategy
  • providing organisational support for the Joint German OSH Strategy work programmes and other working groups of the NOSHC
  • developing and co-ordinating concepts on the various areas of work of the NOSHC
  • organising meetings and events of the NOSHC, preparing information material of the Joint German OSH Strategy and looking after the website.


Office of the National Occupational Safety and Health Conference
Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Nöldnerstraße 40-42
10317 Berlin