GDA Portal

Two women coordinate appointments on a computer Source:Uwe Völkner, Fox

Healthy and successful work at the office

Today, musculoskeletal disorders and complaints are among the most frequent health problems. Surveys have shown that more than 40 percent of employees in Germany suffer from pain in their backs and/or necks and shoulder areas while at work; many of these employees are being treated by their doctors.

The Healthy and Successful Work at the Office work programme aimed to reduce musculoskeletal strains and disorders at office work stations and identified key fields of activity, namely promoting an effective culture of prevention at a corporate level, and developing appropriate health competence among managers and employees.

Expert information provided by VBG, the German accident insurance and prevention institution for the administrative sector, provides guidance, as do our leaflet and poster.

Our Excellent Office Work [Gute Büroarbeit, German only] online check list provides further assistance.